No. 36 Dez 2020

The Heritage Post

Born into a traditional company, the path was largely already marked out. Even for Markus it was clear from the time he played in the leather warehouses with the children of the employees that he would carry on the family inheritance one day. . . .

Read the full article in the Heritage Post No 36 Dec 2020

PROFILE: Markus / Passion: Leather / 1970

….But first he voluntarily went to a Capuchin seminary for two years – he no longer knows why. Then he went to grammar school, five years to commercial school in Salzburg, and he did his community service in nursing care for the elderly and children, an important experience for him that he thinks is useful for all young people. He did an apprenticeship as a tailor and then studied clothing technology, while always working in the family business on the side. For Markus, there’s always just full throttle. And today he runs Meindl Fashion in Kirchanschöring. To get away from work, motorcycles have always played a big role. He bought his first XT at 18, which he still has today. An old NSU and a new BMW are also always waiting for the next ride, but Markus finds little time for that at the moment. His free time priority is his family: His three children – five, seven and nine years old, keep him busy. During the hunting season, the 5O-year-old goes to the high mountains once a week. Twenty years ago, Markus discovered high mountain hunting for himself. He feels it is even more honest, because you have to earn the chamois, ibex and mountain deer at 1800 to 2600 meters. At the very least, the hunted animal has to be dragged down the mountain, but often it has to be dragged back up again, whenever they fall and have to be rescued. You must never be trigger-happy when hunting,” Markus knows – weather changes and sudden darkness can happen too quickly up there. Often it comes to dicey situations, even if the hunter can shoot extremely well. That’s why Markus is never alone in the high mountains, besides his dog Romeo, who is now 14 years old, he usually has a good friend with him. The shot animal is utilized afterwards by Markus to hundred per cent. But the real experience is not the shooting itself, but that up there this freedom and this intensity with which you experience everything is much more intense: You are highly concentrated and absolutely focused. Read more: Heritage Post, No 36 – December 2020